How Much are the Expenses of Raising a Child from 0 Years Old to University in Singapore? Data in 2021.

Insert Chinese New Year gathering situations:

  1. “Ah boy, married so long still haven’t have baby ah”? 
  2. “Ah girl, congrats on your 1st child, when going to have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th….”?

But do they understand the real rising costs of living and therefore, raising a child?

What are the Costs To Raise A Child?

Here are the stages of your child’s journey, all the way until they finish their university education.

StagesAmount Spent
Pregnancy & Child Birth$10,247
Infant Years$58,071
Pre-schooler Years$36,107
Primary School$68,350
Secondary School$58,110
Pre-University$37,876 (JC)

Every child will not be the same and there are so many variables that can change throughout the years.

But now you know that you’ll at least be spending at least $348,000 on your child.

Pregnancy & Child Birth

ExpensesAmount Spent over 40 weeks
Child Birth$5,036


First Trimester


There’s going to be blood tests (Antenatal care, before birth) to do, along with consultations with the OBGYN.

Thankfully, for Singaporeans you can enjoy subsidised consultations at KKH, starting from $29.40. 

In your First Trimester, you might need about 2-3 check-ups at least, so let’s account for $100 rounded up.

If you go for Private, cost can start from $80.25 – $143.38.

About 2-3 check-ups will set you at $336 rounded up.

Don’t forget the blood tests, there are also at least 3 blood tests that you will take, which can cost about $250 – $450 each.

Average Amount Spent on First Trimester (12 weeks) = $1,486 (Rounded up)

Second & Third Trimester

Now, you’ll need to go for several ultrasounds, non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) like Harmony Test (Optional but recommended).

And more consultations with the OBGYN, you’ll likely be offered a prenatal package.

ExpensesAmount ($)
Pre-natal Package$900 – $1,600
Ultrasound Scans (x4)$850
Harmony Testing$900 – $1,600
TOTAL$2,650 – $4,050

Average Amount Spent on Second & Third Trimester 28 weeks = $3,350


Let’s say you’ve only started taking supplements from week 6 until week 40.

Depending on what your OBGYN prescribes to you, it can range from calcium to iron pills.

Costing you at least $250 – $500.

Average Amount Spent on Prenatal Supplements over 34 weeks = $375

Average Amount Spent on Pregnancy over 40 weeks = $5,211

Child Birth (Intrapartum care, during labor and delivery)

If you like to go for Private delivery, here is an example of costs at Mount Alvernia.

NORMAL DELIVERY WITH EPIDURAL 2 days stay at Single – St Michael’s room: $3,921.55

Maximum Medisave Claimable (Delivery expenses): $1,850

Additional Medisave Claimable (Pre-natal medical expenses): $900

CAESAREAN SECTION WITH GA 3 days stay at Single – St Michael’s room: $5,462.35

Maximum Medisave Claimable (Delivery expenses): $3,650

Additional Medisave Claimable (Pre-natal medical expenses): $900

Otherwise, giving birth in restructured hospitals, can be more affordable.


NORMAL DELIVERY 2 days stay at B2 ward: $2,310

Medisave Claimable (Delivery expenses): $2,310

Cash outlay: $0

CAESAREAN SECTION 3 days stay at B2 ward (4-6 beds shared room): $3,100

Medisave Claimable (Delivery expenses): $3,100 (can be fully covered by Medisave).

Cash outlay: $0

Average Amount Spent on Room Charges = $3,886

And also to include doctor’s fee, depending on your OBGYN’s charges, it can range from $800 – $1500.

Average Amount Spent on Total Child Delivery cost = $5,036

Infant Years: 0 to 2 years old

ExpensesAmount Spent over 2 years
Postnatal Care$4,175
Stroller & Carrier$985
Feeding Needs$5,840
Healthcare Services$840
Infant Care & Child Care$35,520

Postnatal Care

Childbirth is only the beginning. Up next will be confinement period to rest and recover.

Most may prefer to have a confinement lady or perhaps purchase confinement set meals if you will prefer to take care of the baby yourself.

On average, mothers pay $2,800 to $3,900 to their confinement nannies for one month, or some may even extend for another month. 

Some may have the luxury of their parents or in-laws to help out the confinement month, and so they order confinement set meals instead that cost around $1,700 to $2,500.

Postnatal massage is also very common nowadays, which can cost you $650 to $1000.

Average Amount Spent on Postnatal Care over 1 month = $4,175

ItemsAmount Spent over 2 years
Bath Tub$30
Bath Toy$15-$100
Baby Shampoos$100-$300
Diaper Bags$150
Diaper Cream$300


Bathing Needs

You’re going to need at least a bathtub. The one you get from the hospital will eventually be too small when you child is 3-4 months old.

A regular baby bathtub will cost you around $30.

As they get a bit older, you may need some toys for them to play when you shower them, which will amount to about $15 to $100.

Baby towels may be better at this age, expect to spend about $35 to $100 when you need to change to new ones.

Baby shampoos cost about $15 per bottle, so depending on frequency of using it, it may vary.

Average Amount Spent on Bathing Needs over 2 years = $355

Diaper Needs

You will be surprised with the amount of diaper a baby uses between 0-2 years old.

Regardless of the brand you use, they’re probably going to need 6-8 diapers a day.

It is about $150 to $250 a month spent depending on the brand.

Here is a list of diaper comparison and pricing.

A regular diaper bag will cost you about $150.

Babies typically have sensitive skin so mothers will usually use cream when changing the diaper to prevent rashes from developing.

A tube of diaper rash cream can probably last a month and costs about $10-$15 on average. 

Average Amount Spent on Hygiene over 2 years = $5,605


On average, a set of baby clothes will cost you about $30 to $50.

Each day you’ll definitely need many sets to rotate, at least 6 to 8 sets as food or poop may get onto it.

Babies outgrow their clothes so quickly, most likely you will be getting new ones every 1 to 2 months until their growth maintains after 2 years old.

Although baby clothes are probably one of the top items gifted to new parents, you will also want to buy new clothes for your child to wear when going out.

Average Amount Spent on Clothes over 2 years = $1,440


ItemsAmount Spent over 2 years
Cot Toy$50
Play Pen$200
Changing Mat$30
Walker/Activity Centre$200
Safety Gate$80
Baby Proofing$50

Even though most items are only used for a short period of time, parents will still need to buy them as they want to ensure that the items are sturdy and safe to be used by their child.

For baby cots, there are some options from Ikea.

Some people might choose to buy a changing table for their babies, but most of the time, a changing mat would suffice.

Most of the items can be purchased at their store/online store Baby Kingdom. (during this time where baby fair are scarce)

As for toys, they range from $20 to $150 each, and well, it really depends on how many you want to buy for them.

There are toys for age 0+, 1+, 2+. Have enough toys to rotate every 1 to 2 weeks as they may get bored.

Furthermore, this is also another top item passed down or gifted to new parents.

Average Amount Spent on Nursery over 2 years = $1,610

Stroller & Carrier

If you’re looking at a top-tier stroller, it can potentially cost you over $1000.

A good-quality stroller should cost you about $500.

A baby carrier of $200 when they want to be carried. There are a wide range at Pupsikstudio online store.

Most of the time, there’ll be at least one stroller toy to keep them occupied, which may cost you about $35.

Average Amount Spent on Stroller & Carrier over 2 years = $985

Feeding Needs

ItemsAmount Spent over 2 years
Breast Milk Pumps$400
Breast Milk Warmer$50
Milk Bottles$180
Milk Steriliser$100
Infant Formula Milk$4,800
Newborn Bibs$40
Toddler Bibs$30
High Chair$30
Baby Bowl & Utensils$30

Most babies will be on breastmilk till 4 to 6 months, so a breast milk pump will be essential.

And do be prepared that your freezer will be stored with a lot of breast milk packs.

You can use a bowl with hot water to heat up the defrosted milk pack, or you use a milk warmer.

Assuming that your baby starts drinking infant formula milk from 6 months old, they’re likely to use 3 to 4 tins each month.

Milk bottles are around $30 each. And it is recommended to change to new ones every 3-4 months rotation.

Most parents feed their babies with formula milk up to 2-3 years old.

By then, their appetite will be bigger and they’ll potentially use 4-5 tins per month.

Well, formula milk is one of the most expensive consumable here, since it averages around $50 per tin.

At the same time, when introducing semi-solid food to baby, you’ll need a high chair for feeding, so that it is easier to feed.

Average Amount Spent on Food & Feeding Needs over 2 years = $5,840

Healthcare Services

Paediatrician Visits

During the infancy years there will be times where baby may get common flu, fever etc.. especially because they are still young and their immune system is still growing.

Each visit to the Paediatrician costs about $120 to $300.

Average Amount Spent on Paediatrician Visits over 2 years = $840

Polyclinic Visits and Vaccination

VaccinationAmount Spent over 2 years
6-in-1 (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Inactivated Polio Vaccine, Haemophilia Influenza Type B, Hep b)$0
Mumps, Measles, Rubella$0
Human Papillomavirus$0
Hepatitis B$0
Varicella (Chickenpox)$0

Apart from paediatrician visits, you’re likely to bring your baby for immunisation jabs pretty often in the first year.

Thankfully, children have highly or even fully subsidised fees in polyclinics.

You are able to use your Medisave to pay for the vaccines and can also pay for your child’s immunisation using your child’s Baby Bonus cash gift or savings in the CDA.

Here is an example of a child’s National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS).

Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services over 2 years = $840


To have a peace of mind in an event of unexpected bills, insurance coverage for your child is something to consider.

You’ll never know what’s gonna happen so most of us will still choose to purchase at least a Hospital plan and an Accident plan for our children.

If budget allows, it is a great idea to start off a Education saving plan for a head start or Life insurance plan, where the premium is lower at a young age most of the time.

Health Insurance

MediShield Life covers our children from birth, but I’m sure you’ll want to make sure everything is in order, with integrated shield plans.

For an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, you’ll expect to top up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums.

Average Amount Spent on Health Insurance over 2 years = $1,662 

Personal Accident Insurance

I’m pretty sure our children are more accident-prone than we are, so this one doesn’t really require much explanation.

An average personal accident insurance plan for your little one will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Amount Spent on Personal Accident Insurance over 2 years = $395.90

Average amount Spent on Insurance over 2 years = $2,056 (Rounded up)

Infant Care & Child Care

Some parents may not be able to have family members or get a domestic helper to take care of their infant.

Infant Care

Typically, infant care services from 2 months old average around $1,364.25/month until 18 months old, before government subsidies.

Assuming that you start engaging infant care services for your child at 2 months old until the maximum age of 18 months

Average Amount Spent on Infant Care = $23,193 (Rounded up)

Child Care and Pre-Nursery

Whether they’re enrolled in the toddler or the playgroup programme.

The next 18 months until your child turns 3 years old before graduating to Nursery/Kindergarten, you’ll likely be paying an average of $770.40 per month for full-day childcare, before government subsidies.

Average Amount Spent on Child Care = $12,327 (Rounded up)

Average Amount Spent on Infant Care & Childcare = $35,520

Pre-schooler Years: 4 to 6 years old

ExpensesAmount Spent Over 3 years
School Fees$27,735
Pre-School Enrichment$2,225
Healthcare Services$1,260

School Fees

Nursery Fees (4-6 years old)

Nursery and Kindergarten fee ranges depending on your choice of centre, but typically, you’ll be expected to pay upwards of $770.40/month before government subsidies.

Average Amount Spent on Nursery over 3 years = $27,735 (Rounded up)

Pre-School Enrichment

Some parents may want to send their children for enrichments classes.

For example, to strengthen their child’s mother tongue at Berries.

$741.51/16 weeks for a total of 48 weeks.

Average Amount Spent on Pre-School Enrichment = $2,225 (Rounded up)

Healthcare Services

Paediatrician Visits

During the pre-schooler years there will still be times when your child may fall ill as they are still young and their immune system is still growing.

But should be lesser than in infancy years. Assuming each year twice.

Each visit to the Paediatrician costs about $120 to $300.

Average Amount Spent on Paediatrician Visits over 3 years = $1,260


Health Insurance

No changes here, you’re still payingfor an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, by topping up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums.

Average Amount Spent on Health Insurance over 3 years = $2,493

Personal Accident Insurance

An average personal accident insurance plan for your little one will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Average Amount Spent on Personal Accident Insurance = $593.85 over 3 years 

Average amount Spent on Insurance over 3 years = $3,087 (Rounded up)


Some kids may take longer to graduate from potty training, and that’s perfectly fine.

Assuming that they need diapers for another year.

Regardless of the brand you use, they’re probably going to need 4-6 diapers a day.

It is about $150/month spent depending on the brand.

Average Amount Spent on Diapers over 1 year = $1,800

Primary School Years: 7 to 12 Years Old

ExpensesAmount Spent Over 6 years
School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees$936
School Supplies$3,234
Tuition & Enrichment Classes$31,330
Pocket Money$7,560
Dental Services$0
Healthcare Services$450
Mobile Phones$634

School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees

Luckily for Singaporeans, Government primary school education is free! But we still have to pay miscellaneous fees, which is capped at $13 per month.

But if you choose to send your child to an independent or specialised school, your fees will definitely be more expensive and can go from $300-$1000 and beyond.

Average Amount Spent on School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees over 6 years = $936

School Supplies

School SuppliesAmount Spent over 6 Years
School Uniform$519
School Shoes$1,200
School Bag, Water Bottle & Stationery$780

An average set of primary school uniform should cost you about $20-$30, while a set of PE (Physical Education) attire will cost about $14-$18.

Since they’ll be wearing their uniforms daily, you’re likely to purchase 3-5 sets of uniform and 2-3 sets of PE attire so that it can be rotated.

Primary school students are still growing, so you probably will need to buy new sets every 2 years.

Average Amount Spent on School Uniform over 6 years = $519

Complete the primary school look with a white pair of school shoes!

School shoes wear out really quickly, especially since primary school kids are so full of energy, which means you’re like to buy 2 new pairs every 6 months!

Some parents also choose to buy better shoes to provide better support for their active children, which may bring the cost to about $40-$60 per pair.

Average Amount Spent on School Shoes over 6 years = $1,200

Each subject has a textbook, activity book, supplementary reading…

There are around 7-8 subjects.

That’s about $15-$20 per subject every year.

Average Amount Spent on Textbooks over 6 years = $735

You’ll need to get your child a school bag, water bottle and stationery for school too.

A set of these items will probably cost you $130 each year.

Average Amount Spent on School Bag, Water Bottle & Stationery over 6 years = $780

Average Amount Spent on School Supplies over 6 years = $3,234

Tuition & Enrichment Classes

The amount you’ll spend on your child’s tuition will definitely differ, depending on how much tuition they need and the enrichment classes they are interested in.

Here is a scenario where your child requires tuition for 2 subjects from P3 – P6.

At Mavistutorial, it’ll cost about $165.85 – $326.35/month per subject.

Average Amount Spent on Tuition & Enrichment Classes from P3-P6 = $31,330 (Rounded up)


Since primary school students are still young, they might not be able to travel independently.

On average, a two-way school bus service will cost about $150-$250 per month.

Average Amount Spent on School Bus over 6 years = $14,400

A hybrid concession pass for primary school students will cost you $43.50 per month.

Amount Spent on Public Transport over 6 years = $3,132

Average Amount Spent on Transport over 6 years = $17,532

Pocket Money

Primary school students usually don’t have much to spend on, except buying food in their school canteen.

Parents usually give pocket money of about $60-$80 per month for kids in lower primary and about $120-$160 per month for kids in upper primary.

Average Amount Spent on Pocket Money over 6 years = $7,560

Dental Services

Primary school students don’t just have free school fees, they enjoy free dental services in school too!

Hopefully, with proper dental habits, they won’t need additional dental services.

Amount Spent on Dental Services over 6 years = $0

Healthcare Services

With consultation fees of $10-$15 an average visit may also cost you $25-$50 along with the medication.

We’re not saying that your kid is sickly, but your kid might be visiting the doctor twice a year?

Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services over 6 years = $450


Health Insurance

No changes here, you’re still paying for an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, by topping up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums.

Average Amount Spent on Health Insurance over 6 years = $4,986

Personal Accident Insurance

An average personal accident insurance plan for your child will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Average Amount Spent on Personal Accident Insurance over 6 years = $1,187.70

Average amount Spent on Insurance over 6 years = $6,174 (rounded up)

Mobile Phones

We understand the need for them to have the resources to stay contactable.

The difficulty here lies in ensuring that they don’t become too addicted to their devices.

An idea will be giving them old phones instead of buying brand new ones.

Good thing there is a SIM only plan, like one from Vivifi that costs $8.80 per month for 3GB of data and 500mins call time!

Average Amount Spent on Mobile Phones over 6 years = $634 (Rounded up)


With our education system adopting e-learning more often now, they’re gonna need access to computers.

An entry level laptop from Acer for your primary school kid will cost around $500

Or they can use yours.

Average Amount Spent on Computers over 6 years = $500

Secondary School Years: 13 to 16 Years Old

ExpensesAmount Spent Over 4 years
School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees$1,200
School Supplies$3,340
Pocket Money$9,600
Dental Services$0
Healthcare Services$200
Mobile Phones$423

School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees

Secondary school isn’t free anymore, but it’s still super affordable for Singaporeans at $5 per month.

The miscellaneous fees are also higher too, capped at $25 per month.

Similarly, if you choose to send your child to an independent or specialised school, your fees will definitely be more expensive.

Average Amount Spent on School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees over 4 years = $1,200

School Supplies

School SuppliesAmount Spent over 4 Years
School Uniform$420
School Shoes$800
School Bag, Water Bottle & Stationery$520

An average set of secondary school uniform should cost you about $30, while a set of PE (Physical Education) attire will cost about $18-$25.

Since they’ll be wearing their uniforms daily, you’re likely to purchase 3-5 sets of uniform and 2-3 sets of PE attire so that it can be rotated.

You probably will need to buy new sets after 2 years.

Average Amount Spent on School Uniform over 4 years = $420

Complete the primary school look with a white pair of school shoes!

School shoes wear out really quickly, especially CCA is common during secondary school, which means you’re like to buy 2 new pairs every 6 months!

Some parents also choose to buy better shoes to provide better support for their active children, which may bring the cost to about $40-$60 per pair.

Average Amount Spent on School Shoes over 4 years = $800

Each subject has a textbook, activity book, supplementary reading…

There are around 10 subjects.

That’s about $30-$40 per subject every year.

Average Amount Spent on Textbooks over 4 years = $1,600

You’ll need to get your child a school bag, water bottle and stationery for school too.

A set of these items will probably cost you $130 each year.

Average Amount Spent on School Bag, Water Bottle & Stationery over 4 years = $520

Average Amount Spent on School Supplies over 4 years = $3,340

Tuition & Enrichment Classes

The amount you’ll spend on your child’s tuition will definitely differ, depending on how much tuition they need.

Here is a scenario where your child requires tuition for 3 subjects from Sec 1 to Sec 4.

At Mavistutorial, it’ll cost about $165.85 – $326.35/month per subject.

Average Amount Spent on Tuition & Enrichment Classes over 4 years = $35,439 (Rounded up)


By now, your kid should be able to travel independently, so you just need to pay for their monthly concession pass of $54 per month.

Average Amount Spent on Transport over 4 years = $2,592

Pocket Money

Your child has reached the age where they should be able to manage their spending and learn about budgeting.

A good range to give your secondary school kid will be $200 per month for pocket money.

Average Amount Spent on Pocket Money over 4 years = $9,600

Dental Services

Secondary school students also enjoy free dental services in school too!

Hopefully, with proper dental habits, they won’t need additional dental services.

Amount Spent on Dental Services over 4 years = $0

Healthcare Services

With consultation fees of $10-$15 an average visit may also cost you $25-$50 along with the medication.

As their immune system is stronger now, your kid might still be visiting the doctor once a year?

Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services over 4 years = $200


Health Insurance

No changes here, you’re still paying for an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, by topping up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums.

Average Amount Spent on Health Insurance over 4 years = $3,324

Personal Accident Insurance

An average personal accident insurance plan for will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Average Amount Spent on Personal Accident Insurance over 4 years = $791.80

Average amount Spent on Insurance over 4 years = $4,116 (rounded up)

Mobile Phones

We think it is still a good idea by giving them old phones instead of buying brand new ones.

Good thing there is a SIM only plan, like one from Vivifi that costs $8.80 per month for 3GB of data and 500mins call time!

Average Amount Spent on Mobile Phones over 4 years = $423 (Rounded up)


Okay, at this age, they should have their own computer for school purposes and personal usage.

Unless you’re buying the best laptop with the highest specifications, you’ll probably be spending $1000 to $1,500 on their laptop.

They will need to learn how to take care of their gadgets and we’re pretty sure an average laptop can last 3-4 years.

Average Amount Spent on Computers over 4 years = $1200

Pre-University Years: 17 to 18/19 Years Old

ExpensesAmount Spent Over 2 years – Junior CollegeAmount Spent Over 3 years – Polytechnic
School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees$792$8,700
School Supplies$150$0
Dental Services$300$450
Healthcare Services$100$150
Mobile Phones$960$1,140

School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees

Junior Colleges

Junior Colleges (JC) are also super affordable for Singaporeans, costing you $6 per month!

By now, you’ve probably figured out that the bulk of your fees come from the miscellaneous fees, which is capped at $33 per month.

Well, if your child performs really well and is eligible for independent colleges, then good luck to your bank account!


If your child has a particular field that they are very interested and passionate about, polytechnics might be a good choice for them!

However, polytechnic fees will leave a bigger hole in your account, since you’ll be expected to fork out $2,900 per year.

Furthermore, polytechnic students have a 3-year curriculum compared to JC’s 2-year curriculum.

Average Amount Spent on School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees (Junior College) over 2 years = $792
Average Amount Spent on School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $8,700

School Supplies

Your child should be pretty independent now to settle their own expenses for school supplies.

They would have saved some money from their pocket money over the years, and small item purchases should be more than manageable for them.

The only exception would be the school uniforms for JC students, where every set will cost you about $30. Similarly, you’ll minimally need 3-5 sets of uniform for them to rotate during the 2 years in school.

Average Amount Spent on School Supplies (Junior College) over 2 years = $150
Average Amount Spent on School Supplies (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $0


Uh huh, I was a little taken aback when I found out that JC students need tuition too!

While JC school fees are relatively cheaper about, you’re likely to support their tuition for at about $55/hr.

2 of their subjects for 2hrs each subject/week.

Average Amount Spent on Tuition (Junior College) over 2 years = $21,120
Average Amount Spent on Tuition (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $0 


Their travel concession is still the same rate, at $54 per month!

You’ll definitely be paying more for your kid if they head to polytechnic since they have 1 more year to travel to school.

Average Amount Spent on Transport (Junior College) over 2 years = $1,296
Average Amount Spent on Transport (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $1,944


Typically, polytechnic students will receive a slightly higher amount since their expenses in school are more expensive compared to those in JC.

Allocating $400 per month seems to fall in the higher range for JC students and average range for polytechnic students.

Average Amount Spent on Allowance (Junior College) over 2 years = $9,600
Average Amount Spent on Allowance (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $14,400

Dental Services

Oh no, no more free dental services in school for your kids.

Now, unless your kid has a serious issue that requires immediate attention, they will likely be visiting the dentist twice per year, as recommended.

Depending on their needs, $150 per year would be a good range to allocate for this expense.

Average Amount Spent on Dental Services (Junior College) over 2 years = $300
Average Amount Spent on Dental Services (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $450

Healthcare Services

With consultation fees of $10-$15 an average visit may also cost you $25-$50 along with the medication.

We’re not saying that your child is sickly, but your child might be visiting the doctor once a year?

Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services (Junior College) over 2 years = $100
Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $150

Health Insurance

No changes here, you’re still paying for an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, by topping up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums.

Personal Accident Insurance

An average personal accident insurance plan for your child will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Average Amount Spent on Insurance (Junior College) over 2 years = $2058
Average Amount Spent on Insurance (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $3,087

Mobile Phones

Maybe now, it’s fine to buy a new phone for your child.

Let’s say that you don’t buy the most expensive iPhone in the market for them, a new smartphone will cost you upwards of $600.

Good thing though, a brand new smartphone should be able to last them throughout their pre-university studies.

They’re likely to use more data now as well, so you may be changing to a new SIM Only 10GB plan that costs $15 per month.

Average Amount Spent on Mobile Phones (Junior College) over 2 years = $960
Average Amount Spent on Mobile Phones (Polytechnic) over 3 years = $1,140


It might be time for a new one since their school work will get more intensive, or they might just need to send it for servicing or upgrades.

Either way, $1500 over the span of their pre-university years should be good enough for your kid’s laptop.

Average Amount Spent on Computers (Junior College) = $1,500 over 2 years
Average Amount Spent on Computers (Polytechnic) = $1,500 over 3 years

University Years: 19 to 22 / 20 – 23 years old

ExpensesAmount Spent Over 4 years
Tuition Fees & Miscellaneous Fees$38,400
School Supplies$0
On-Campus Accommodation (1 year)$8,458
Dental Services$800
Healthcare Services$200
Mobile Phone$2,320

School Fees & Miscellaneous Fees

Now, this is going to differ a lot, since there are so many options that your child can choose from.

But for simplicity’s sake, let’s assume that they are enrolled in a local university and are not taking specialised programmes like medicine or dentistry.

A Business degree at NUS will cost you $9,600 per year.

Average Amount Spent on Tuition Fees & Miscellaneous Fees over 4 years = $38,400

School Supplies

At this age, they are definitely paying for their school supplies on their own.

Average Amount Spent on School Supplies over 4 years = $0

On-Campus Accommodation

Bunking with a roommate will be helpful as they will have to learn to accommodate other people’s habits and learn to be independent.

One year away from you to live independently should be more than enough.

College green at NUS for 2 semesters will cost $8,457.40.

Average Amount Spent on On-Campus Accommodation over 1 year = $8,458 (Rounded up)


Thankfully, students in local university are still eligible for concession passes.

But it’s a little more expensive now, costing you about $90.50 per month.

Average Amount Spent on Transport over 4 years = $4,344


Assuming your child starts taking up some part-time or freelance jobs during their university years.

Of course, it shouldn’t affect their studies, but working part-time can give them a glimpse of the real working world and prepare them for what’s to come.

Seeing that these side gigs should only be done on weekends or during their holidays, you will still need to give them some allowance, probably about $400 per month.

Average Amount Spent on Allowance over 4 years = $19,200

Dental Services

By now, your child will need to pay adult fees for their dental visits in the polyclinic or clinics, bringing this expense to about $200 per year.

Average Amount Spent on Dental Services over 4 years = $800

Healthcare Services

With consultation fees of $10-$15 an average visit may also cost you $25-$50 along with the medication.

We’re not saying that your child is sickly, but your child might be visiting the doctor once a year?

Average Amount Spent on Healthcare Services over 4 years = $200


Health Insurance

Okay, the premiums for integrated shield plans get a little messy here due to the different age group.

You’re still paying for an integrated shield plan that covers your child for class A wards in a private+restructured hospitals, by topping up $229/year using your Medisave and $602/year for the rider in cash for the premiums until 20 years old (age next birthday).

In general, once your child reaches 21 – 30 (age next birthday) band, their premiums will have increased 10-15%.

Average Amount Spent on Health Insurance over 4 years = $3,573.30

Personal Accident Insurance

An average personal accident insurance plan for your child will probably cost you about $197.95/year.

Average Amount Spent on Personal Accident Insurance over 4 years = $791.80

Average Amount Spent on Insurance over 4 years = $4,366 (Rounded up)

Mobile Phones

They may be eyeing a better phone now, so spare about $800 for this.

If they want anything more, you’ll probably ask them to top up the remaining amount.

Since they’ll be in university for 4 years, you’ll most likely have to help them with their phone purchase once in 2 years.

The SIM Only 10GB plan that costs $15 per month should still be enough for them.

Average Amount Spent on Mobile Phones over 4 years = $2,320


They might not need a new laptop when they first enter university since they can still use the one from their pre-university years.

But somewhere during their university years, they’ll probably need to get a new one to replace, so similarly, $1,500 allocated for laptop in university should suffice.

Average Amount Spent on Computers over 4 years = $1,500

The costs we’ve outlined above may be different for your child since everyone’s circumstances are different. 

But at least, this provides a rough estimate of how much you’ll possibly spend raising your child in the future. 


P.S. Do let us know if you spot any errors in the article or if you have any feedbacks.

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